Rabu, 08 April 2015

Things that you like to talk about

      There are some reason why Men always talk about behaviour and physical of women. Women are more  sensitif people, they wanna get understanding a lot about their feelings, sometimes its not easy to understand them. Every Women is selfish, they want to get everything as soon as possible, they dont care how is the situation. Women are more charitable than men, they can easily crying whereas men are thinking that is just simple problem, they cant decide anyproblems without men. Women are always care about their physical, such as their,Face, body, hair, skins, and nail. Those are important points that women should be perfect from head to toe. They have a different budget to care theirselves that is not cheap, they need many things for example, make up, jewelry, and body care Being a woman is not easy. A man has a good way to looking as a girlfriend or wife, every man has a different ways to get a good woman is not about the physical. The good things that woman should having inner beauty, because that is the natural beauty from the inside without any make up. In short, Women must having good behaviour and physicly.

Agung Dwi Santoso

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